
GCC Women needs you. Your valuable experience can help other women, and we want to help you share it. There are many ways to help others with various commitments of time.

Mentors work actively with individual women to help them attain life goals. This requires a larger time commitment, but one that is still flexible.

Advisors can be consulted for guidance on specific issues in their area of expertise, such as marketing, business, charitable work, finance, technology, and balancing work and life. Being an advisor requires less time commitment than being a full mentor. It can mean simply answering questions by e-mail or phone when a particular issue arises.

Other volunteers are also welcome to participate by suggesting additonal resources, upcoming conferences, published articles, or any other service that helps other women in the GCC reach their goals.

We will soon have an online application. For now, click here to go to our GCC Women Network page on LinkedIn and join the conversation or send us a message via our contact page.